Treatment for Sperm Issues
Men with low motility or low sperm count frequently ask for treatment to rectify this defect. Sadly, this is not possible on numerous occasions. Sperm abnormalities in men are genetic in origin.
As there is now no ways to rectify the genetic defect like this, we work with such couples differently, to bring in the hope back in their life and increase their reproductive efficiency. This treatment involves in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination.
Hormone deficiencies: Hormonal deficiency in man can be treated with medications. Followings are rare cases:
Varicocele ligation: Varicocele litigation is the dilation of veins of pampiniform plexus inside the spermatic cord and one of the abnormal tortuosity. Varicocele can be surgically treated, which aids to help fertility in a few cases.
However, the comparison between surgeries vs. no surgery has not been successful in demonstrating the increase in pregnancy rates after surgical corrections. Some studies show better pregnancy rates following surgery, whereas other studies reveal lower pregnancy rates after surgery.
Clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene) for the infertile male: Particular cases of men with comparatively mild sperm abnormalities could have been treated with clomiphene citrate (tablets). This improves the semen in man. As per published medical literature, Clomid can sometimes increase the sperm count or motility for the male. However, well-controlled medical studies do not show any increase in pregnancy rates by the use of such drugs.
A “double-blind” study done by the World Health Organization, published in the International Journal of Andrology, in the year 1992 on 190 couples. The couples were given clomiphene or placebo, which happens to be sugar pills, to men struggling with abnormal semen parameters. Those 190 men were given either clomiphene or placebo for 6 months. After 6 months it was noticed that the rate of pregnancy was not increased with clomiphene.
8.1% of pregnancy was noticed in the clomiphene group, whereas 11.7% of pregnancy was noticed in the placebo group.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a process of artificially placing them in the uterus with the assistance of a device called a catheter. This procedure ensures more sperm to be available for fertilization and enables them to access a woman’s egg. Thus, the process externally aids fertilization and conception.
Usually, the use of artificial insemination is done when:
1. A woman’s cervical mucus is minimal or hostile to the sperms. Through the process of IUI, sperms are directly made to reach the uterus, dodging the cervix and the cervical mucus.
2. Man’s sperm count is low and unhealthy or of low quality.
3. Cases of male infertility due to the presence of antibodies in the sperm. Through the IUI process, the sperms, which could be saved from the damages of antibodies, are separated.
4. Issues related to ejaculation issues due to the contractions of a vaginal muscle or any other psychological problems.
5. Retrograde ejaculation occurrence, where the semen returns into the bladder, instead of being expelled from the body.
6. Couples fail to establish natural intercourse due to injury, disability, or premature ejaculation.
Same-sex couples or single women.
Fertilization of eggs and sperms happens naturally in IUI. Hence, both the partners need to meet certain criteria to have the best chances of succeeding with IUI. This includes:
1. Open fallopian tubes
2. Normal uterine/ womb cavity
3. Sperm suitability and sperm count
4. Movement of sperm
5. Shape/morphology of sperm
Intrauterine insemination can be done with or without employing fertility drugs. The use of fertility drugs increases the number of eggs matured by the body. Thus, it increases the probability of conception. However, it increases the risk of multiple pregnancies.
If the sperm count is good, the probability of conception is 10% to 20%. The woman’s age is also an important aspect and a major deciding factor on the success rate of conception. Advanced maternal age experiences lesser follicles maturing into eggs.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In vitro fertilization, popularly known as IVF, is the medical procedure outlined to treat infertility and creates a successful pregnancy with the assistance of external intervention. Usually, ovaries are stimulated by a mixture of fertility medications. One or multiple oocytes(s) are aspirated from the female ovarian follicles. These oocytes are fertilized externally in the “in vitro” in the laboratory. After this process of fertilization, one or more embryo(s) is shifted into the uterine cavity of the woman to establish a successful pregnancy. The steps mentioned happens over a time interval of about a two-week, which is called the IVF cycle. IVF is a major infertility treatment, performed when other treatments of assisted reproductive technology fail to obtain desired results.
Why IVF?
IVF is done for the following conditions:
1. Tubal disease
2. Endometriosis
3. Male factor infertility
4. Unexplained infertility
5. Failed IUI
6. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
7. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a well established medical procedure to enable the embryologist to manipulate male and female gametes both externally outside the body, with intent to increase the possibility of fertilization. This procedure was initially developed to treat severe male factor indication, in particular cases where sperms fail to reach the eggs by itself. The same innovative medical procedure later was found to be effective in many other indications like:
1. Unexplained infertility
2. Patients with immunological factor
3. Repeated failure of IVF
In this process, a morphologically normal sperm is taken and is injected into an egg. The entire procedure is carefully monitored under an inverted microscope. The magnification of the inverted microscope is about 400X for more accurate monitoring.
More than 40% of couples who go for infertility specialists have been facing infertility problems. Such problems are usually related to the quality and count of sperm produced. The intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of eggs, instigated for the treatment of male infertility factors has proved to be revolutionary for the couples. ICSI requires a single sperm injection into the cytoplasm, situated at the center of the egg. The procedure is carried out by the laboratory scientists during the fertilization phase of every IVF cycle. Motility of the sperm employed for ICSI is not required. Hence, it is considered as the best method of external fertilization of even very poor quality sperm. Sperms are recovered from the testis and epididymis for this procedure.
Why Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)?
1. Azoospermia
2. Severe oligospermia
3. Efferent duct system obstruction
4. Failure of fertilization in the process of IVF
5. Unexplained infertility
We are dedicated to offering the best fertility treatments in a confidential, supportive, and compassionate environment.
Our medical infertility treatment programs are all internationally acclaimed for high rates of success. We have won global referral center recognition in the journey of the past 19 years of fixing complex fertility problems. Turn to us for the best infertility and all gynecological treatment.