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Importance of Optimum Weight in Fertility and Childbirth
Maintaining a healthy body weight is essential for getting your body ready for pregnancy. According to studies, being overweight or...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Weight gain during pregnancy has to be gradual and optimal. The weight gained should not be a result of excessive water retention, which...

गरोदरपणातील आहाराची पहिली पायरी: मॉर्निंग सिकनेस आणि फर्स्ट 1000 डेझ संकलप. राष्ट्रीय आहार सप्थाहा
आहार हा नुसताच भूक शमावण्या साठी नसून आरोग्यसंपन्न आयुष्य जगण्यासाठी अतिमहत्वाच्या असा मूलभूत घटक आहे .गरोदर अवस्थेत आहाराचे एक विशेष महत्त्

Finger Foods, Tit-Bits, Cravings, and Pregnancy
Anjali was jubilant with the confirmation of normal low risk, 12 weeks pregnancy but came wailing shortly after with concerns about her...

Embryo Transferred. What Next?
Congratulations on a successful embryo transfer. The embryo quality is excellent and so was the endometrium prep above all, you had a...

How To Deal With Backache During Pregnancy
WHY is there Backache? Early pregnancy backache is a commonly encountered complaint in the very early part of the pregnancy and occurs...

Miscarriages and Recurrent Miscarriages (RM): Part 1
I have decided to write short series about miscarriages. It is truly a painful experience that can be definitely be avoided with proper...
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